Thursday, May 8, 2008

Oh No!!!

Well, remember the startitis problem? I had cast on a baby jacket in cobweb weight.... well I was buzzing right along, to the armpit increases. I went to take a bath last night... and Rowan got into it! she pulled out the needles.... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAa :::sniff sniff::::: So, I have 3 choices...

1. Start over again... sounds like fun but I discovered the jacket won't fit a baby, but a doll, not that Natasha would mind...

2. Start over on a larger needle size to make one fit a real baby.... but I really don't need a jacket for a baby at this moment....

3. Put it away and finish some of my works in progress... gee, I only have like 5 to finish......

Or 4. (yes, I know I said three, but I could keep going if I tried...) Scrap the jacket, and cast on the Unst stole....

hmmmm, decisions... decisions.... decisions.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or...5..start something special for you...